Skin Growths That Look Like Warts: Remove Or Not?

We can only wish to have skin as soft as that of a baby but sadly, our skin changes (and often for the worse) over time. Everything else in your body degenerates. What more for your skin that is constantly exposed to the elements throughout your lifetime. However, there are instances when you skin growths that look like warts can pop out without warning either since birth or as you go along in life. Your confidence may go down the drain once they appear on your face. There is nothing to worry, though, if these growths are simply just skin tags, since they are generally harmless no matter how annoying they are. Women, the obese and those pregnant women are predisposed to growing these extra pouches of tags in their skin than the rest of the population.

More often than not, skin tags are tiny. They don’t post any health risk and any pain you may feel are mild as well unless they are twisted and the possibility of bleeding might happen. A quick trip to the dermatologist can end this problem with skin tags in an instant but should you really spend that much to get rid of it? Is it that urgent of a problem or vanity has to do with it? Whatever your reason is, it is your body and you have the last say and if you feel that getting that skin tag removed is important to your well-being and peace of mind, don’t let others stop you from doing so.

Skin tags are practically harmless cutaneous growths on the skin that are predominantly composed of loose collagen fibers and blood vessels in the epidermis. They are known medically as acrochorda, fibroepithelial polyps, papillomas or soft fibromas and are typically flesh-colored or in some cases darkly pigmented.

Being benign in nature, skin tags usually do not undergo any transformations in terms of size, shape or color over time and are generally painless unless they are irritated by an external factor such as shaving or another skin pathology such as eczema. Thus, papillomas do not usually have the propensity to give rise to cancer, even if left untreated. Reports of malignant transformation are extremely rare.


However, money may be an issue for some. If you don’t have the means to pay for a dermatologic check but still want it gone, what other options do you have? Well, there are over-the-counter solutions for your skincare needs. They mainly work by burning off the tag. You have nothing to worry as long as you follow instructions but just bear in mind that there is still a possibility of scar formation. Others may even persist in urging you to go see a doctor before doing anything with it since there is still a possibility of it being cancerous after all:

“Skin tags are these fleshy little bumps that are just annoying as can be. Skin tags can rub against clothing or get caught on jewelry and then they can get really irritated and inflamed. Some people’s skin tags even bleed. Skin tags often form in areas of friction. They’ll appear around the neck, under the arms, on our thighs, even around the eyelids,” says Geraghty. If you want to get rid of skin tags, read on for advice from Geraghty about how to remove skin tags at the dermatologist’s office.

Right off the bat, let’s point out that skin tags — while annoying — aren’t a medical emergency. The medical terms a skin tag is acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyp. They’re benign skin lesions composed of normal skin tissue and fat. They can happen to anyone, and they can run in families.


If you have skin tags, it may mean that your insulin level is high if you are not a pregnant woman or someone approaching his/her elderly years. So, it actually has its use, which serves as a warning sign for some underlying medical condition. Getting it removed is mostly purely cosmetic since there is no medical basis as to why it must be removed. But since your emotional health is just as important as physiologic, do what you must even for the most shallow of reason if you yourself feel that these skin pouches is making your life difficult one way or the other. Pick your choice from surgery or OTC drugs, you’d still get the same results and hopefully a clearer and fairer skin.

2 response on “Skin Growths That Look Like Warts: Remove Or Not?

  1. Very informative! I have the same skin growth around my eye area. I really like this article so much and this is very helpful for me. Thanks and keep sharing.

  2. Very informative article. I have learnt a lot from this info. Please keep sharing more useful info on other skin issues too.

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