A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

Having a flawless skin is everyone’s dream. We want to flaunt a clear and fair skin that we can be proud of whether you are a man or woman. But as we age, our skin goes through many changes aside from being exposed to the harsh elements day in and day out that it gradually deteriorates over time. You may even start popping those annoying skin tags that may be considered harmless from a medical perspective but can be damaging to your ego. It is a major issue if it grows in prominent body areas like your face and skin and not in its usual spots like the underarms and the groins and other skin folds.

If you feel that it is seriously damaging your appearance and messing up with your self-esteem, feel free to have it removed especially if you explore other options like natural remedies that are non-invasive and generally more cost-effective too. You don’t even have to consult a doctor first before getting it removed although some experts suggest getting it checked by a professional first especially that there may be a risk of it being cancerous. It is rare but it does happen, so better be safe than sorry. Cosmetic treatment, on the other hand, is expensive but is a safe, quick, and trusted way of addressing the issue for good.

But, you have to be very careful about the location of your skin tag. For example, if it is on more sensitive areas like around the eyes or lips, you have to consult a doctor for professional treatments. Accumulation of blood vessels and collagen is the major reason for the formation of skin tags. Also, obesity, hormonal changes during pregnancy, excess use of steroids and heredity contribute to this. There are many skin tag removal creams available in the market. But, nothing will be safe as using natural home remedies. Here are some of the most tried and proved home remedies for removing skin tags. 

(Via: https://www.boldsky.com/beauty/body-care/2016/ten-super-effective-home-remedies-to-remove-skin-tags/articlecontent-pf138035-108557.html)

Skin tags often form because blood and collagen have accumulated on the skin surface. It can also happen all of a sudden because a woman got pregnant or a person developed diabetes. However, it is something that you can expect to see more of as you grow old. You can see lots of options on the market for OTC skin tag removal solutions but nothing is safer than using natural remedies such as essential oils like tea tree oil or a similar solution. Apple cider, onion juice, or the juice of citrus fruits can also work. There are, of course, certain ingredients you may want to avoid on your skin.

Alongside the likes of tea tree oil, just dab it on the affected part religiously and wait for it to take effect. There is a downside, though, as it takes a long time for it to deliver the results you want. In this case, patience is indeed a virtue. Baking soda is also a universal remedy and it works in other skin issues too like if you want to lighten dark body parts.

Skin tags are an incredibly common problem amongst men and women that leaves them scrambling for a solution to the unattractive bumps. They appear often in the folds and creases of skin as tiny growths of skin cells, anywhere from a centimeter to an inch long. They are usually pigmented differently than the body’s natural skin tone which makes them even more visible. They are completely harmless and painless but can appear much like warts and often in groups which is not a favourable look. Because they are so common, there are several methods of removal, the fastest, and most effective, of which is at-home freezing kits.

The use of liquid nitrogen as a method of skin tag removal started in the medical clinic and was performed by medical professionals. Liquid nitrogen freezes the skin on contact so it can be a potentially risky process. This risk is eliminated with at-home kits because the dosage is minute and the applicators are ergonomically designed to protect hands from exposure to the freezing chemicals.

(Via: http://www.jimmatimes.com/the-fastest-and-most-effective-way-to-remove-skin-tags/)

If you are not the patient type and would rather take the risk as long as you see instant results without undergoing any costly and invasive procedure, you can try at-home freezing kits which are growing in popularity these days. Unlike the other types that burn off the growth, this one freezes it so it falls off on its own. Safer solutions are here. Chemicals that burn is more aggressive than the ones that freeze tags so expect to see fewer side effects if you use the latter. Moreover, there is little to no possibility of it growing back since most freezing agents freeze not just the tag but also its root so it can no longer grow back.

One response on “A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

  1. Katherine Dilworth

    Informative post and very helpful to me as I have skin tags on my neck which I feel very irritating sometimes. Thanks for sharing these natural remedies as I can remove it on my own naturally. Keep sharing such useful posts.

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