The Revitol Skin Tag Remover is an all-natural homeopathic skin tag remover system. The system is a topical remedy that is made from all-natural plant extracts. These plant extracts will help to eliminate any harmless skin overgrowths that you have on your body. Skin tags can sometimes be painful, but many times, people just do not like how they look on their body, as they can be very embarrassing to have.
Helpful Information About Skin Tags
Does the picture above look familiar? Many people have these embarrassing skin tags but there is no reason to be embarrassed about these skin tags, as they can be removed very easily with the Revitol Skin Tag Removal system. Some of the basic information about skin tag growths include that they:
- Are small, soft skin tags growths that are very common and harmless
- Can range from 1 to 100 on a person’s body
- Just about everyone will develop these skin tags at one point in their life
- Common with middle-aged and obese adults
- Removing the skin tags will not cause more of them to grow back
Warnings About Using Revitol Skin Tag Remover
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not use the product
- You should not use the product close to your eyes
- If you do swallow the product, you should contact Poison Control immediately (Of course, this is the warning with most skin tag removal creams – they are not for ingesting!)
Guaranteed Results that Come with Revitol Skin Tag Remover
The product is 100% guaranteed to work or you can have your money back. This skin tag remover cream has six different things that are guaranteed:- It is easy and painless to apply on your body
- Is completely all-natural and has absolutely no harsh chemicals
- It is effective for all different skin types
- Will leave no scarring
- Will give you no pain
How Revitol Works
It will take close to two weeks for this product to initially work for smaller skin tags. You can place the product on your:
- Neck
- Eyelids
- Armpits
- Groin folds
- Under breasts
- Chest
- Face
Using the product will dry the skin tags up and you will not even have to pull at them in order for them to fall off. The root of the skin tags will also be removed without any pain involved.
When using Revitol Skin Tag Removal, you must make sure to use it on your skin tags three times every day in order for it to be effective. When placing the product on your skin tags, you will want to apply one to three drops of the solution to each skin tag that you have.
The first visible results should appear within two weeks after starting to use the product but many people have said they need to use the product more closely to four to six weeks before they see a change. Your skin tags will start to shrink and dry up without any cutting. All of the active ingredients within the system are supposed to do all the work for you.
The following all-natural ingredients are used in Revitol:
- Thujaoccidentalis
- Sunflower oil
- Tea Tree oil
- Sweet Almond oil
- Soybean oil
No other ingredients can be found in any form in Revitol.
Advantages of Using Revitol
- Is all-natural and will not harm your skin in any way
- Completely painless
- Will not cause any irritations or scarring
- A prescription is not required to buy the product
Who Can Use Revitol Skin Tag Remover
As long as you are not a child, then you can use the product. Teenagers and adults, both male and female use the product with good results with no side effects because of the all-natural ingredients found in Revitol. If you are one to worry about a product being FDA-approved, this is another thing you do not need to worry about. You also do not need to get a prescription if you want to use the product and as stated earlier and it has a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Where to Purchase Revitol Skin Tag Removal
Revitol Skin Tag Removal system cannot be found in stores, as it is only sold online here. When purchasing the system, essentially, the only place to get it is directly from the manufacturer’s website. Yes, it’s true. As of this article, you cannot buy Revitol on, which in this site’s opinion, is a pain in the butt.
It is very simple to buy online, of course, with no prescription required and it can be done very discreetly with the utmost privacy.
The Revitol Skin Tag Removal system is not very expensive to at least try. The following is the price breakdown for the product:
Supply | Price |
1-month | $40 |
3 months | $120 |
6 months | $240 |
You do need to note that some people only need to use the product for less than one month, while others will need to use it for a longer period of time. Every person is different, depending upon your body and skin tags. There is a 90-day money back guarantee, so do not wait too long to decide to return the product if you do not like it.

Check out the manufacturer’s website by clicking here.
Final Verdict
Revitol Skin Tag Removal is something that we highly recommend. The product is not very expensive and many people have said the product will start to work after two weeks of using it three times daily. If you were to go to a dermatologist to remove your skin tags, you are going to spend a lot more money and it will most likely be very painful.
Every product is not going to give each person the same results but if you have embarrassing skin tags, you have nothing to lose by at least trying Revitol out. The product does have a smell to it and some people don’t like it. The smell should go away within a short period of time.
If you are reading this review, you have most likely tried other skin tag products and have found that they do not work or that they are very painful and may have left some unwanted scars on your body, especially if you have not used them correctly.
You are not going to be able to use the Revitol Skin Tag Removal incorrectly; the product is very easy to use and is considered to be one of the most effective skin tag products that you can find today. Just think about being able to be skin tag free in just as little as two weeks without having to go through any pain.
Have you used Revitol before? Let us know of your experience in the comments!