Category: wart mole vanish

Achieve That Flawless Skin

Your body naturally ages through the years but that does not mean you have to look the part when you can project a youthful-looking appearance that defies your real age if you can do something about it. Especially among women, getting that flawless skin is simply a must. It’s not just about vanity but more on feeling happy and comfortable in your own skin can also change the way you think and look at life in general. You are more confident in dealing with people and in showcasing your abilities and for that, a lot of people are willing to pay the cost. While there is little you can do about your genes, you can still enhance your features in a lot of ways. Money is a big factor in the equation but you can still get that youthful and flawless skin without breaking the bank.

You start by eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. Getting that recommended eight hours of sleep each night can go a long way in improving your skin’s appearance and preventing constant breakouts on your skin caused by lack of sleep and stress. Drinking lots of water will also keep your skin hydrated and thus moisturized, so you can finally say goodbye to that dry-looking skin. Yet as careful as you are with your skin and health, you can only do so much but aging and gravity will make its mark on you. Examples of skin conditions that are not entirely harmful but undeniably annoying to look at are skin tags. These hanging pouches of skin are not a pleasant sight and some complaint about discomforts now and then especially when they are rubbed with your clothing or jewelry.

A skin tag is a small, out-pouching protrusion of skin that is connected to your skin by a thin stalk.

Naturally, you can’t see this skin stalk with the naked eye.

It is very difficult to see, and many people have difficulty telling different kinds of skin lesions apart.

But if you hold a magnifying glass to it, you can see that skin tags look like tiny “hanging” bits of skin.

They are usually in places of the skin that are in contact with clothes, or where there is skin-to-skin rubbing – such as your underarms, neck, upper chest (mostly beneath the breasts for women with big breasts), or groin, where it meets your thighs.

However, they can also appear on your face.

This is especially apparent around your eyelids because these are also folds of skin.


You may mistake them for warts but they aren’t since skin tags are not caused by a virus but you’ll notice more of them appearing in all those unlikely places and even in your face as you age. People on the heavier side have more skin folds thereby causing more skin friction and more skin tags over time. A thin stalk often holds these skin pouches to your skin but once they are twisted, they may bleed or cause the lump of skin to darken and wrinkle.

Skin Tags

These stalks of skin tend to grow in high-friction areas, such as the underarm and neck. About half of American adults have a skin tag.
Safe removal: They can be shaved or snipped off by a dermatologist and cauterized to stop bleeding if necessary. Avoid over-the-counter treatments with claims that they will dissolve skin tags. Because they kill off skin cells, “you could harm the area around the tag, which could lead to increased scarring,” says Lauren Ploch, a dermatologist.
Will insurance pay? Possibly, if a tag is irritated, red, or bleeding, or it looks suspicious.


Their very presence makes a lot of people go crazy and they will resort to all measures just so they can get rid of it for good. Surgery is your best option since a real doctor will perform the procedure and you can be assured that he/she will be using sterile equipment and years of medical knowledge and experience to nip that nasty skin growth away. If you are scared of going under the knife or don’t have enough money to cover medical expenses, you can explore other solutions like over-the-counter skin tag removal solutions such as that will give you the results you want at a price you can afford. It is even made with natural ingredients that are just as effective as more common surgical interventions for skin tags.

Skin Tags Gone For Good

You should not obsess over physical appearance because a human person is more than that. As they say, don’t just a book by its cover. Like a pimple, you dread seeing these tiny bumps on your skin. They may seem harmless from a medical perspective but they can significantly impact your self-esteem especially if it decides to sit on your face or neck for everyone to see. It is common to see skin tags appearing as you age especially if you develop diabetes over time or among pregnant women but if it is a constant issue in your life, it’s better to get to the root of it all and have them removed for good.

Surgery is the sure way of removing skin tags but it is kind of expensive and not to mention that it is painful too but there are other options you can still explore that are more cost-effective and not as painful. Cosmetic surgery has its risk, if you want to get away with try natural remedies instead as many of them have proven to be effective in getting rid of skin tags although it may take some time. It is pretty easy to do too as you only have to apply these solutions like tea tree oil daily or other natural remedies for removing skin tags Some even have the idea of putting duct tape over the growth and wait for the tape to fall off on its own along with that excess pouch of skin.

3 remedies to remove skin tags- the natural way!

  • The most frequently used natural way of removing skin tags is to use tea tree oil. The product is extremely beneficial due to the presence of salicylic acid. The correct application method involves washing one’s skin with soap, drying the area, using a soaked cotton ball to which two to three drops of the oil must be added. Then rubbing it on the affected area every day two to three times and wait to see the tag disappear in no time. No doubt, this is indeed one of the best easy-going remedies for removing skin tags.• Dermicil for removing skin tags is also as effective. It is a natural way for sure but again one needs to check their skin types and condition before using it as it might give away to sudden rashes and allergies. Be careful while using any of the skin tag treatment methods when performing at home.• Castor oil is another inexpensive way of removing skin tags. Castor oil mixed with baking powder forms a paste. This paste should be more fluid like or less concentrated. Then apply the paste to the affected ares to get a tag free skin worthy to be looked at.


Knowing all these things can come in handy at times especially that you may grow it at least once throughout your lifetime. It should not be an issue if it does not get irritated due to friction but if it does, it is even more reason for you to search for that fool-proof skin tag removal that will clear your skin of this imperfection once and for all. You may be surprised to find out that some of these remedies can actually be found in your cupboard at home and does not cost much to purchase. Examples of which are apple cider vinegar, baking soda, garlic, or essential oils like tea tree oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another wonderful natural solution is to use apple cider vinegar (ACV). It is acidic in nature and a natural antiseptic that can be used to influence the skin tag to fall off naturally. (5)

First, run warm water over the affected area until the skin tag becomes soft. Next, use a cotton ball or swab that is soaked with ACV and apply it to the skin tag for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse the ACV off thoroughly. You will want to repeat this treatment process two to three times a day, on a daily basis, until the skin tag falls off. (5)


There is more to life than obsessing about minor skin insecurities like skin tags. If you are not ready to face the risk of a surgical procedure or can’t afford to see a dermatologist, feel free to give any of these natural remedies for skin tags a try because who knows one of them may work for you. Just give it time to work and don’t give up right away because it may be able to give you that flawless skin you have been dreaming of but has been so elusive as of late. What’s important is that you are 100% sure it is just a skin tag and nothing serious before meddling with it with DIY skin tag removal solutions because some skin growths are actually cancerous and life-threatening.

Is It A Wart Or A Skin Tag?

The skin is the largest body organ and it serves a lot of purposes. It serves as the first line of defense and ensures no opportunistic pathogen can enter your body and trigger an infection. For the vain at heart, the skin can also do wonder for your aesthetics and is the reason why people spend a lot of money trying to look fab and glam because their appearance is the first thing that people see when they look at them. However, no skin is perfect. Even those people who spend for luxurious skin procedures and treatments aren’t necessarily assured they can have fresh and glowing skin. Some people, though, are blessed to be born with great skin that has little to no imperfections but most of us can’t relate.

There are common skin issues the majority of the population faces such as warts and skin tags. Some think they’re the same but in reality, they are not. Warts are caused by a virus, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes the rapid replication of the skin cells once the virus gets in the body through cuts or scratches but you don’t necessarily grow warts even if you have contacted HPV yourself. It can grow in different body parts even the genitals that are actually considered as an STD. On the other hand, skin tags are simply a benign skin growth that is caused by too much skin friction and appears like a hanging skin and is usually very small to cause a major discomfort.

Statistics show that skin tags are more common in overweight people since they have more folds of skin. Plus, when the hormone levels change – due to pregnancy, diabetes, or other causes – the chance to get acrochordons increases. In most of the cases, you will not have to use a particular remedy, since the growths aren’t disturbing to the patient. Your doctor will recommend you the surgical removal of the skin tags or a natural treatment to eliminate the unaesthetic lumps.


Moles, skin tags, and warts are different growths of skin. Moles are usually brown or black and can occur almost everywhere on the body. It sounds familiar, right? However, moles start to develop during the first 25 years of an individuals’ life and, as time passes by, the growths will modify their appearance. They will become more prominent, and the color will change, as well. Hairs could grow in the mole – but that’s not a rule.


Skin tags often grow in skin folds such as the underarms, groin, and the neck, so there’s really no need to have them removed unless you experience some discomfort because of them and they usually are very small too, around 1 mm. in size. While they may look the same to the inexperienced eye, warts and skin tags are undeniably different. The only difference is that skin tags aren’t contagious and warts are since it is viral in nature. Meanwhile, formed blood vessels and collagen fiber is what makes up skin tags and appears to be dangling, unlike warts that have a cylindrical shape.

Natural Cures for Warts

Warts are the result of HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus. There are more than a hundred types of HPV and some are quite serious. The ways that they affect people usually has to do with their immune system.

Warts are caused by a relatively harmless strain of the disease and can often be helped by natural remedies like apple cider vinegar, garlic and bananas. There is even a scientifically approved treatment using duct tape which cured more sufferers in a study than the accepted treatment of cryotherapy (freezing).

Natural Cures for Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign skin growths that happen in the groin, neck, thighs and under the breasts as well as under the armpits. There range in size and are relatively harmless. These also may be related to HPV and they tend to happen in diabetics quite often.

Some of the natural cures for these include apple cider vinegar, which is a natural remedy for most skin problems, a paste made from castor oil and baking soda and tea tree oil.


Even if you have them, it does not mean that you have to endure it too. You can have them removed with the help of a medical expert, or use: Surgical procedures are quick and not as painful as you think. Some even use natural remedies to get rid of these annoying skin growths and it is usually effective especially for smaller growths that aren’t that visible to others. Whether your reason is for aesthetics or because it is already a discomfort to you or it lowers your confidence especially when you bare some skin, don’t let warts and skin tags become that big of a bother in your life. But to be safe, it makes sense to get checked by a doctor first to ensure that these growths are benign and does not have any underlying medical condition you should be worried about such as cancer.

Natural Skin Tag Removal – Overrated?

Your skin is the first thing that protects you from opportunistic pathogens and is also the first thing that people see when they look at you. The reason why your skin is in bad shape at times is that it has to endure so much in your day-to-day life. From braving the elements to battling internal problems that cause you sleepless nights, stress, and exhaustion, your skin may change in color and blemishes and other skin growths may occur that signals something is amiss in your body. Ordinary blemishes come and go and are usually more common among teens and younger children but skin tags are prominent among the elderly. Pregnant women and the obese are also prone to growing tags than their peers.

If you have gotten tired of it and want to flaunt a youthful and flawless appearance, do something about your skin tag the way you see fit. If you are clueless, consult a dermatologist so you can be properly assessed because while generally harmless, it is still possible for a skin growth to be cancerous. Once it is clear, you can opt for surgery or other safer skin tag removal alternatives to get rid of your problem once and for all. Surgery is not only painful but costly too but it gives immediate results. On the other hand, it will take longer for natural and store-bought remedies to take effect. You weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

While Google might offer you natural skin-tag remedies like tea-tree oil, apple cider vinegar or (yikes) dental floss, Lolis calls BS on such skin tag removal strategies.

“These are just a few of the claims I’ve seen, but I don’t believe any of these home remedies are effective,” Lolis says. “I’ve had patients come into my office with dental floss tied around them, and the skin tags can become more painful and infected.”

Just as you wouldn’t expect vinegar or tea tree oil to remove skin from your arm, such at-home remedies won’t work on skin tags — which are, essentially, just excess skin. The only true way to remove skin tags is to physically cut, burn or freeze them off, she explains — which you should definitely not try at home (unless you relish the prospect of infections and scarring).


You don’t even have to look far to find ideas because a simple Google search can give you lots of helpful suggestions. Some may require you to purchase something especially with more commercial solutions but the rest can be found in your own pantry or kitchen. They have different mechanisms of action but generally does the same thing, which is to cut off the hanging pouch of skin off your epidermis. Be warned, though, that scarring may be a possibility especially if you use remedies that cause the growth to burn off as they are often made of aggressive chemicals or ingredients. Some of these tags are so tiny there may be no reason for you to meddle with it after all and just wait for it to fall off on its own.

While they do not have to be removed, you may choose to see a doctor who can eliminate the excess skin by cryotherapy (freezing them off), electrodesssication (burning them off) or surgical excision (cutting them off). “All of the methods are very easy and quick to perform,” says Carroll. But don’t try any of those methods at home.

Skin tags can contain a lot of blood so cutting them off on your own can lead to complications. Dermatologists like Carroll use numbing cream and sterile instruments to make the procedure as safe and comfortable as possible. It will also reduce your chances of scarring. “You may get a decrease or increase of colour pigmentation but for the most part they heal with perceptible scarring,” says Carroll.


Even if you get ideas of removing skin tags on your own by nipping them clean with scissors or a dental floss, remember that these tags have a rich supply of blood and you may end up bleeding if you don’t do it properly. Of course, nobody really expects you to do it right since not all of you are doctors or trained medical professionals but never ever forget that it is still your body you are dealing with and anything you do can have negative consequences. Be open-minded about your options in having it removed like this, but don’t do anything you are not comfortable in doing. If you are in no rush and don’t mind having it dangling off of you a little longer, applying essential oils may actually do you more good than rushing it off by cutting it on your own. Aside from oils, you have other alternatives to consider, so think about it first before doing anything rash on your body.

Skin Growths That Look Like Warts: Remove Or Not?

We can only wish to have skin as soft as that of a baby but sadly, our skin changes (and often for the worse) over time. Everything else in your body degenerates. What more for your skin that is constantly exposed to the elements throughout your lifetime. However, there are instances when you skin growths that look like warts can pop out without warning either since birth or as you go along in life. Your confidence may go down the drain once they appear on your face. There is nothing to worry, though, if these growths are simply just skin tags, since they are generally harmless no matter how annoying they are. Women, the obese and those pregnant women are predisposed to growing these extra pouches of tags in their skin than the rest of the population.

More often than not, skin tags are tiny. They don’t post any health risk and any pain you may feel are mild as well unless they are twisted and the possibility of bleeding might happen. A quick trip to the dermatologist can end this problem with skin tags in an instant but should you really spend that much to get rid of it? Is it that urgent of a problem or vanity has to do with it? Whatever your reason is, it is your body and you have the last say and if you feel that getting that skin tag removed is important to your well-being and peace of mind, don’t let others stop you from doing so.

Skin tags are practically harmless cutaneous growths on the skin that are predominantly composed of loose collagen fibers and blood vessels in the epidermis. They are known medically as acrochorda, fibroepithelial polyps, papillomas or soft fibromas and are typically flesh-colored or in some cases darkly pigmented.

Being benign in nature, skin tags usually do not undergo any transformations in terms of size, shape or color over time and are generally painless unless they are irritated by an external factor such as shaving or another skin pathology such as eczema. Thus, papillomas do not usually have the propensity to give rise to cancer, even if left untreated. Reports of malignant transformation are extremely rare.


However, money may be an issue for some. If you don’t have the means to pay for a dermatologic check but still want it gone, what other options do you have? Well, there are over-the-counter solutions for your skincare needs. They mainly work by burning off the tag. You have nothing to worry as long as you follow instructions but just bear in mind that there is still a possibility of scar formation. Others may even persist in urging you to go see a doctor before doing anything with it since there is still a possibility of it being cancerous after all:

“Skin tags are these fleshy little bumps that are just annoying as can be. Skin tags can rub against clothing or get caught on jewelry and then they can get really irritated and inflamed. Some people’s skin tags even bleed. Skin tags often form in areas of friction. They’ll appear around the neck, under the arms, on our thighs, even around the eyelids,” says Geraghty. If you want to get rid of skin tags, read on for advice from Geraghty about how to remove skin tags at the dermatologist’s office.

Right off the bat, let’s point out that skin tags — while annoying — aren’t a medical emergency. The medical terms a skin tag is acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyp. They’re benign skin lesions composed of normal skin tissue and fat. They can happen to anyone, and they can run in families.


If you have skin tags, it may mean that your insulin level is high if you are not a pregnant woman or someone approaching his/her elderly years. So, it actually has its use, which serves as a warning sign for some underlying medical condition. Getting it removed is mostly purely cosmetic since there is no medical basis as to why it must be removed. But since your emotional health is just as important as physiologic, do what you must even for the most shallow of reason if you yourself feel that these skin pouches is making your life difficult one way or the other. Pick your choice from surgery or OTC drugs, you’d still get the same results and hopefully a clearer and fairer skin.

Debunking Skin Tag Myths

We are all unique and as such have features that aren’t always shared by others. These differences are very apparent in our physical appearance and it’s quite understandable why it is the first thing we also notice among others and even ourselves. That fresh and flawless skin is not forever, though. Aging can mess up your looks and you gradually see more imperfections pop up as the days, months, and years pass by. If luck isn’t on your side, you may start sporting noticeable skin flaws at a young age like moles and birthmarks. Then, there is skin tag. It starts appearing with age and can be a real bummer if you are someone who is vain enough to notice these little marks.

While it may be disconcerting to see these skin growths dangling all over your body, you may start thinking yourself if you have anything to worry about it yourself. By this time, you’ve probably done your fair share of research in knowing more about skin tags. It simply is a benign skin growth that is just that, hanging skin. Your first thought is to find out if it’s something serious or cancerous in nature, which is an issue with moles that change over time. Factors that affect it are aging, Diabetes, pregnancy and weight gains, for instance, and are more common in areas where there are skin folds as friction contributes to their appearance. Now going back to the crucial question and often a misconception about skin tags; no it is not cancerous, so you can finally heave a sigh of relief.

Skin tags are cancerous

Dermatologists say nay: The tags are almost never cancerous and don’t need to be removed; in fact, they’re (almost!) always benign. (By the way, don’t fall for any of these other 50 cancer myths.) And while many people opt to remove them due to discomfort or for cosmetic reasons, there is no harm in leaving them be. There are extremely rare exceptions to this rule: In one study, two patients with known basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) were found to have multiple basal cell carcinomas that resembled ordinary skin tags. “There are rare cases where skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and even melanoma, can mimic a skin tag,” says dermatologist Avnee Shah, MD. “Going to a board-certified dermatologist assures a trained eye is examining the lesion and determining the risk of a more harmful condition masquerading as a skin tag.” To be safe, if any tag is growing, changing color, or bleeding and itching, it’s definitely time to see an expert.


Skin tags are benign and far from confirming any possible cancers. The major issue with it is that it is painful to the eye and cosmetic reasons are often always the case why people get skin tags removed. Unlike other skin conditions that you want to be removed, it is possible for you to get rid of skin tags on your own at home allowing you to save a lot of money from medical consultations and treatments. It’s almost painful to remove especially if you are dealing with the really small ones but it can be a bit painful if it involves bigger tags. A typical dental floss won’t work anymore but you can still buy OTC treatments that usually burn the tag until it falls off on its own, which is a bit tricky to those who are rather clueless.

No two skin tags look alike. Many times they are misidentified as moles even though moles tend to occur more in the first 30 years of a person’s life while skin tags tend to appear in the later years.

Skin tags (unlike moles) tend to be the same colour as the surrounding skin.

As an adolescent my mother pointed “moles” on my father’s shoulder that were actually skin tags. They had a narrow stalk and a little flap that is the characteristic of a skin tag.

The bottom line is if you’re not sure what is going on with that “mole” please have it checked by a health professional, preferably a dermatologist or a certified medical aesthetician.


In general, skin tags shouldn’t be a cause for worry but they seriously are a major annoyance if looks are high up on your radar. It is pretty easy to distinguish it from a mole, so it shouldn’t be that hard for you to tell one from the other and you don’t end up barking on the wrong tree. No matter what you hear about skin tags, your best recourse is to consult a doctor, especially when in doubt. Over time there are new research developments that scientists find out that may prove us wrong about something we think is right and only trained professionals can know that. What we know for now is that skin tags aren’t entirely a medical emergency. It is up to you if you want it gone that bad or just pretend to ignore it and learn to live with it some more.

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