Category: revitol skin tag remover

Here Are The 3 Things To Know About Skin Tags

Do you know what skin tags are? Skin tags are benign little growths, hanging out of the skin. They’re usually found in areas of the body where there’s more friction or rubbing going on.

So, if you notice a skin tag hanging out of your tummy area or maybe even in your groin area, don’t panic. Instead, learn more about them. Here are the 3 things you should know about skin tags.

The first thing you should know about skin tags is that they’re pretty common among adults.

“Skin tags are fairly common, they usually occur in the neck, armpit, under the breast, and groin area, sometimes on the eyelids. They’re little soft tags that sticks off on the skin,” Dr. Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic, told TODAY.

They occur most often in people who are age 30 and older, and are more common in middle-aged adults. A kid or teen could have them, but that’s much more unlikely.


Skin tags are also known as acrochorda but of course, it’s a lot easier to call them skin tags.

Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons, are skin growths that stick out due to a short, narrow stalk.


While they’re considered to be tiny little growths or tumors, they’re really not as dangerous as they seem to be. They might look a little gross but they are harmless. That’s the second thing you should know about skin tags.

The good news is that skin tags are not dangerous, explained Dr. Nada Elbuluk, a dermatologist and clinical assistant professor at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.

“They’re completely harmless,” Elbuluk said. Though she added, “but occasionally there will be something that looks like a tag that’s a bit more concerning, like superficial skin cancer.”

That’s why it’s important to see a dermatologist even if you think you have one. If it’s itchy, bleeding, uncomfortable or concerns you, make an appointment sooner rather than later she said. If it’s not bothering you, she suggests bringing it up at an annual visit to be safe.


That’s a pretty good piece of advice. To be on the safe side, it’s better to seek medical advice.

The third and the most important thing you should know about skin tags is that they can be removed.

Removing a skin tag is a minor procedure that can be done at a regular visit with your dermatologist, explained Dr. Marc Glashofer, a dermatologist in New Jersey who’s an American Academy of Dermatology fellow.

“Usually you can do a little scissor snip, (with) minimal bleeding, sometimes you can freeze them, the cryotherapy causes the cells to die and fall off, or you could cauterize them, which is basically burning them off,” he said.


Of course, it would depend on your dermatologist if the skin tag stays or not.

But if you’ve seen your dermatologist and determined that it’s just a skin tag, the other option is to simply do nothing.


If the skin tag is totally harmless, it’s okay to leave it alone. The thing is, who would want something sticking out of their skin? Whether it’s harmless or not, a skin tag looks annoying. Removing it makes more sense, at least on an aesthetic level.

The question is, should it be done at home? Dr. Nada Elbuluk has a word of warning

Purchasing at-home products or trying home remedies such as cutting it off using floss or a piece of hair could lead to infection or skin complications in the area, said Elbuluk.

Glashofer likens the procedure to getting your car’s oil changed.

“It’s easy to do … if you know what you’re doing. But most people still go to have their oil changed,” he said.

“It’s not one of those things you want to do at home … It’s not like the bleeding is profuse, but if you don’t have any training in it, you might cut deeper than you should,” he added.


Of course, there are products that are completely safe to use. A good example of which is the This particular product does not require you to cut off skin tags. Keep in mind that no matter how harmless skin tags, they should never be cut off by someone who isn’t trained to do it.

The Revitol Skin Tag Removal System is totally safe and effective. The best thing about it is that it’s topical.

Knowing these three important things about skin tags, you would know what to do now when you get one or if you have one already.

Skin Tips To Survive Winter

Not everyone lives in a place frequented by snow each year. The cold winter months can cause havoc to your skin without you knowing. By the time you realize your skin is deteriorating fast, several weeks and months have passed and you need drastic measures to bring it back to life. The problem is that most people neglect their skin when it is cold and snowing because they rarely expose their skin when it is basically freezing outside. But the thing is that even if it is not exposed, it still needs your tender loving care without fail. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sporting dry, flaky, and cracked skin that may bother you at times because it can also be painful and itchy.

Taking care of your skin does not just involve applying various skincare products. Taking good care of your health, drinking lots of water, and avoiding hot shower and bath can go a long way in caring for your skin during extremely cold weather. Or, avoid going out in the cold if your skin is still damp because it will be more prone to drying and cracking. Moisturizers are crucial in keeping your skin moisturized, so don’t forget to lather your skin with it as often as necessary especially soon after taking a shower. You can also use essential oils like coconut oil for your body and argan or rose oil for your face since it not only hydrates your skin but serves as a barrier against the cold.

 Just like we change our clothes every season, you may want to change your beauty routine, and that’s especially true during the winter.

“It’s really important to be cognizant of what you’re putting on your body because our skin is our largest organ,” said wellness expert Caryn Sullivan.

That’s why she turns to natural products like coconut oil during these dry winter months.

“I use coconut oil every day and most regularly I use it as a hand moisturizer,” Sullivan said. “You can use it as hair conditioner before you get in the shower.”


And because it is not entirely avoidable to end up with dry and flaky skin, don’t exacerbate your condition by exfoliating it. Exfoliating once a week will do to help with faster skin regeneration and allowing moisturizers to seep in deeper into skin without causing unintended injury to the skin. Use even gentler products during winter and you can switch to a different formula once the weather is warmer because that is what your skin is asking for.

This one might seem obvious, but moisturizing your skin is crucial for keeping it hydrated throughout the winter. 

“Application of a very thick moisturizer as soon as you get out of the bath or shower and then one more time per day will help keep your skin feeling nice and smooth,” Lamb said. “Sometimes layering an oil on your face and body prior to a cream-based moisturizer will help trap in the hydration.” 

“Before bathing, I always recommend body oils. I really like coconut oil, because that can hydrate your skin and protect your barrier before you’re getting into a warm bath,” Farber explained. “Aside from coconut oil, which is one that’s really nice for the body, essential oils are kind of the new thing that are really great. There’s argan oil, tea tree oil, rose oil, rose hip oil that are nice for the face and are a little bit easier on someone who can be a little more acne prone.” 


Heed all these tips because the cold winter months will only become more unbearable as the years go by because your age may be just a number but it can catch up with your body fast. If you have really sensitive skin, it helps if you see a dermatologist now and then so you can get prescribed products that address your skin condition. If it’s skin tags, consider this product. If you don’t have to go outdoors, you can still promote better skin health with the use of humidifiers to keep the air moist at all times. We may feel that winter takes forever to leave but it does every single year without fail and by then, you’ll have to readjust your skincare habits and adjust it to the changing season.

Should You Remove Skin Tags On Your Own?

Your appearance is the first thing people see because that’s just the way it is. Many tries to be objective and not judge people based on their appearance but you can’t avoid shallow people who always find something to critic on other people as if they are perfect themselves. Aside from being the favorite target of bullies because of nasty skin conditions that they like to pick on first rather than see you for the real you, you also want your skin to remain intact because it is your first barrier to infections. The skin, after all, is the body’s first line of defense and protects you from opportunistic pathogens that are just lurking everywhere and waits for the perfect time to strike.

We are encouraged to always look at the bright side in life and see beyond what’s superficial but you can’t help it at times to be affected of minor issues like skin blemishes and conditions especially if people point it out to you. Skin tags are one example of a skin growth that is pretty harmless but can mess up with your confidence fast. These little pouches develop in body folds like the underarm and the groin that is common among those who are overweight or obese. Skin tags are actually benign tumors that are mostly made up of collagen fibers and blood vessels that perhaps every single person will develop at one point in their lives. But of course, who wants to have them when they ruin the perfect canvas that is your skin.

If you’re frantically searching for an answer as to whether or not your skin tags are threatening your well-being, then let me say — for the most part — skin tags aren’t anything to worry about. Although removal options are certainly available, they’re only typically removed if they cause irritation or bother the individual.

Whether or not you should cut off your skin tags is entirely up to you. Well, don’t “cut” them off — but if you wish, you can remove them naturally. If you find that your skin tags are displeasing to look at, or you have them in an area that rubs on tight clothing, you can easily remove them. Before you do, here’s what you should know.

As mentioned, anyone can develop a skin tag — even infants and children. Over the years, researchers have explored the possible connection between skin tags, type 2 diabetes and obesity. In that sense, skin tags may be harmless themselves, but could they be a sign of something greater?


Some people don’t do anything about skin tags and simply wait for them to fall off on their own. You shouldn’t really be worrying about it because it is not life-threatening but it can cause some pain and discomfort at times especially if they are rubbing on your clothes or jewelry especially for the ones growing on your neck. Removal is an option but it can be expensive since you need to see dermatologists do it for you. But since they are usually very small, some takes the risk of doing DIY skin tags removal since there are products sold that you can buy over-the-counter.

Even OTC medications claiming to dissolve the skin tags could be bad news, says Dr. Rossi. “You could burn the skin or make marks,” he says. “There could be unintended consequences.” If you hate the idea of anyone snipping your skin, ask a doctor to freeze or melt it instead. If you’re also struggling with acne scars, here’s how to get rid of those.

But there’s an even bigger reason you should visit an expert. After dermatologists remove a growth, they’ll look at it under a microscope. “There are things that look like skin tags but are cancerous,” says Dr. Rossi. That doesn’t mean you should freak out if you do find a skin tag. Most will just be benign, but you won’t know for sure until you’ve asked. Plus, checking a skin tag is a “good excuse” to get your doctor to check the rest of your body for skin cancer and atypical or malignant growths, says Dr. Rossi.


Try to steer clear off of crazy methods because your skin deserves more. If you try a product that may not be safe to your skin, you may end up causing more damage than the pain and discomfort you had to endure with the skin tag in place. A doctor can easily cut it away if you seek their help but that may be a bit costly on your end. You’d rather try the latest popular remedy sold in the market today and cross your fingers in the hope that it will really go away for good and not ever come back. More so, it won’t leave any unsightly marks like ugly scars in its wake, which is actually worse than the skin tag you’ve been itching to remove for quite some time now. Always seek expert help on matters involving your body because you only have one body to last you a lifetime and you don’t want to be the cause of your own misery.

A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

Having a flawless skin is everyone’s dream. We want to flaunt a clear and fair skin that we can be proud of whether you are a man or woman. But as we age, our skin goes through many changes aside from being exposed to the harsh elements day in and day out that it gradually deteriorates over time. You may even start popping those annoying skin tags that may be considered harmless from a medical perspective but can be damaging to your ego. It is a major issue if it grows in prominent body areas like your face and skin and not in its usual spots like the underarms and the groins and other skin folds.

If you feel that it is seriously damaging your appearance and messing up with your self-esteem, feel free to have it removed especially if you explore other options like natural remedies that are non-invasive and generally more cost-effective too. You don’t even have to consult a doctor first before getting it removed although some experts suggest getting it checked by a professional first especially that there may be a risk of it being cancerous. It is rare but it does happen, so better be safe than sorry. Cosmetic treatment, on the other hand, is expensive but is a safe, quick, and trusted way of addressing the issue for good.

But, you have to be very careful about the location of your skin tag. For example, if it is on more sensitive areas like around the eyes or lips, you have to consult a doctor for professional treatments. Accumulation of blood vessels and collagen is the major reason for the formation of skin tags. Also, obesity, hormonal changes during pregnancy, excess use of steroids and heredity contribute to this. There are many skin tag removal creams available in the market. But, nothing will be safe as using natural home remedies. Here are some of the most tried and proved home remedies for removing skin tags. 


Skin tags often form because blood and collagen have accumulated on the skin surface. It can also happen all of a sudden because a woman got pregnant or a person developed diabetes. However, it is something that you can expect to see more of as you grow old. You can see lots of options on the market for OTC skin tag removal solutions but nothing is safer than using natural remedies such as essential oils like tea tree oil or a similar solution. Apple cider, onion juice, or the juice of citrus fruits can also work. There are, of course, certain ingredients you may want to avoid on your skin.

Alongside the likes of tea tree oil, just dab it on the affected part religiously and wait for it to take effect. There is a downside, though, as it takes a long time for it to deliver the results you want. In this case, patience is indeed a virtue. Baking soda is also a universal remedy and it works in other skin issues too like if you want to lighten dark body parts.

Skin tags are an incredibly common problem amongst men and women that leaves them scrambling for a solution to the unattractive bumps. They appear often in the folds and creases of skin as tiny growths of skin cells, anywhere from a centimeter to an inch long. They are usually pigmented differently than the body’s natural skin tone which makes them even more visible. They are completely harmless and painless but can appear much like warts and often in groups which is not a favourable look. Because they are so common, there are several methods of removal, the fastest, and most effective, of which is at-home freezing kits.

The use of liquid nitrogen as a method of skin tag removal started in the medical clinic and was performed by medical professionals. Liquid nitrogen freezes the skin on contact so it can be a potentially risky process. This risk is eliminated with at-home kits because the dosage is minute and the applicators are ergonomically designed to protect hands from exposure to the freezing chemicals.


If you are not the patient type and would rather take the risk as long as you see instant results without undergoing any costly and invasive procedure, you can try at-home freezing kits which are growing in popularity these days. Unlike the other types that burn off the growth, this one freezes it so it falls off on its own. Safer solutions are here. Chemicals that burn is more aggressive than the ones that freeze tags so expect to see fewer side effects if you use the latter. Moreover, there is little to no possibility of it growing back since most freezing agents freeze not just the tag but also its root so it can no longer grow back.

Skin Tags 101: All About Skins Tags

You may think you know everything about your body but you suddenly wake up one day only to find a hanging piece of skin on your face or neck. Worse, there’s more than one of it now messing up with your entire look. Other places you can find these bothersome skin tags are on skin folds like the underarm or groin. They are pretty harmless but can be a major bummer especially if you are someone who gives high importance to your aesthetics. If there is one thing you can be thankful for is the fact that if your problem is just skin tags, it is far from life-threatening and getting it removed isn’t exactly urgent. It may be a bit annoying, though, not to mention painful, when it constantly rubs with your clothing or jewelry leading to accidental bleeding at times once it is torn away from your skin

Skin tags are benign tumors that are made up of fat cells and nerve cells connected by fibers and ducts that are connected to the skin’s epidermis. It actually happens for them to fall off on their own without you even realizing you have one in the first place. But if you happen to have a bigger one, it is possible for it to burst under pressure. Many of these are very small, 1 mm. in diameter so many can go unnoticed for quite some time unless they grow bigger. The sad thing about it is that skin tags are hereditary in nature, an unfortunate circumstance for those who happen to have it in there genes.

A skin tag is a small piece of soft, hanging skin that may have a peduncle, or stalk. They can appear anywhere on the body, but especially where skin rubs against other skin or clothing.

Other names are an acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous tag, fibroepithelial polyp, fibroma molluscum, fibroma pendulum, soft fibroma, and Templeton skin tags.

Skin tags are very common and generally occur after midlife. They affect men and women equally.

Here are some key points about skin tags. More detail is in the main article.

Skin tags are benign tumors of the skin.

They commonly occur in creases or folds of the skin.

They are not dangerous, but they can be removed for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons.

Methods of skin tag removal include over the counter (OTC) therapies, excision, and cryotherapy.


Both men and women can have skin tags in the course of their lifetime although women can develop it during pregnancy especially that they grow bigger as they reach full-term. Those with diabetes are also at higher risk of growing these nasty skin pouches as the increase in insulin level in the blood feeds skin cells to replicate more and thus result in these extra patches of skin. If you’ve had enough of it, you can explore ways to have it removed, including skin tag removal products like Revitol. You can choose from conventional and natural remedies that suit your needs, something you can afford, and you won’t mind doing for the sake of achieving your skin goals.

Numbing the Area

If you are determined to cut off the skin tag yourself, but want to try and avoid as much pain as possible, try soaking a bud of cotton wool in some Clove Oil. This works in a pinch as a numbing liquid, reducing the pain in applying a blade to your skin. Just place the cotton on your skin tag for about three minutes before using your cutting tool to remove it.


Make sure whatever you use to cut off the skin tag has been properly sterilized. You can do this by using some simple hydrogen peroxide. Make sure to clean your tool in both before and after you start cutting.


Once you have dabbed the area with tissue quickly dab either some Vaseline or a styptic pencil (the same kind used to stop shaving cuts) on the area. This will help to cut down the bleeding straight away. Apply a bandage, and you’ll be able to go on with your day without the ugly growth.


You can’t stop blemishes from appearing on your skin but don’t let it dampen your spirits if it is not easily done. They may skin tags are generally harmless and far from cancerous but it helps if you seek a doctor and get yourself checked before getting it removed because it is better to stay on the safe side, after all. Once you have decided on getting your skin tag removed, you can simply just grab a dental floss and use it to remove it. It is not entirely painless and you may feel sore in that area for several days but it gets the jobs done and that’s what matters. You can also use nail clippers and it works the same way. Use them if you are the impatient type and want instant results that you can’t usually get with safer and natural skin tag removal solutions.

Is There Really Such A Thing As Anti-Aging?

We all go through the cycle of life. From birth to old age, our bodies go through a myriad of changes that all people go through at certain points in their lives. Along with the passing of the years, your body grows old and it is a normal part of life. However, not all can accept this and would rather stay young looking. It is why they invest in expensive skin care routines and products that help them delay the onset of aging as much as possible. But the question is, are anti-aging products really effective or are beauty manufacturer just milking money from people with confidence issues. Is a daily swipe of cream or serum enough to put a halt to aging and let time pass by without any evidence showing on your face?

Well, skincare products that feature anti-aging properties really contain ingredients with known anti-aging benefits. However, you can’t really count on them to turn back the hands of time (in erasing wrinkles and fine lines) or put the time on a standstill because they may be effective but surely not that effective. You can probably get more luck with invasive dermatologic treatments such as Botox or cosmetic surgery because drastic changes are made on your face at a time but it takes years for skin care products for you to be able to see some visible effects of its application.

Ageing is inevitable and value neutral. Had it a singular will, the beauty industry would have us like King Canute, sitting atop a throne on the shore and roaring at the tide to keep back while drawing our brows on high and mad in a lower case letter ‘n’, like a very elderly Bette Davis.

The tide will do its thing, and so will time. Ageing is not objectively negative, and it cannot be reversed with anything we fling in a panic at our faces. It can be managed, however, and there is a difference between the natural ageing of the skin, and damage to the skin. The latter, we can do something about.


Today, most anti-aging products contain secret or mysterious ingredients that sound really ancient and organic. Many are really tempted to buy stuff loaded with snails or something equally exotic and slather big helpings of it in their skin along with the hopes that the Gods would intervene and bring forth a miracle that will help them defy aging for real and clear your skin of any imperfections. In today’s market, even women in their early 20s invest in anti-aging products that initially targets women in their 40s onwards. The cliché here is that most products that promise to be the fountain of youth are often pricey, which is why you can’t blame people for asking whether they really are worth all the hype it is getting.

The aesthetic needs and desires of patients are increasing. Health and fitness are no longer the key ingredients to staying younger for longer. Patients want to feel and look good, period. The needs of these patients make the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine a popular topic. Scalpel and surgical solutions are replaced by needles, anti-wrinkle injections, chemical peels, fillers, threads, microdermabrasion and laser, to name a few. All of these procedures need to be done by qualified medical practitioners certified as competent in these various aesthetic and anti-aging medicine procedures and interventions. The Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Society of South Africa (AAMSSA) is the official medical society committed to the practice, advancement and regulations of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine in South Africa, presenting all medical practitioners with an interest in this exciting and fast-developing field of medicine.


Fortunately, we no longer just have to rely on over-the-counter products to combat aging. It seems that the world is finally putting technology to good use by advancing the science of anti-aging so those who wish and can afford to undergo procedures that are meant to erase years off of someone’s face can do so at will. If you can’t, then you’ll just have to make do with cheaper alternatives like cleansers, creams, moisturizers, and serums that can gradually make you look younger without breaking the bank. You’ll just have to be a little patient, though, because no result is instant. Just improve your lifestyle to boost its effects and somehow be able to achieve that anti-aging goal you have that’s also all over the market today.

Acids On Your Skin?

When it comes to your skin, you only want the best. You invest in quality (if not expensive) skincare products to give you that healthy glow you have been dreaming of. Through the years, though, we have seen our fair share of skincare trends and many of them have raised our eyebrows. There are a few sounds as ridiculous as they look and some are also priced way beyond our reach. It is not even uncommon to see products made of exotic ingredients like snail, even snake venom, and crocodile oil. Your imagination is the limit, actually. But those have definitely gone overboard. There are other more common products that are used by many but still confuses people whether they are safe or not.

For those with a darker skin complexion and wants a fairer skin, acid-based products are popular because it helps them whiten up with every use. The acid in skincare products aren’t the strong types that burn the skin but a few do especially when used excessively and on parts of the body where the skin is naturally thin. It’s why some are still cautious when using too much acid-based products unless they have major skin tone issues like those who want to look fairer than they originally are. In reality, your skin has everything to gain from the right acid-based products that are especially suited for their skin.

Acids overall aren’t exclusive to a specific skin type or lifestyle. Most of us can benefit from them, although Doft says “patients with sensitive skin will want to look for formulations with lower concentrations of citric or glycolic acids, as they can be irritating and cause redness.”

More often than not, a lot of products on the market will combine several acids to better target skin issues. You can expect to feel nothing at all or a little tingling upon application, but see a doctor if you experience excessive dryness, redness, or significant burning. With all that being said, there are a ton of options for adding acids to your routine. Ahead are some of our favorite picks, from masks to cleansers and toners.


When it comes to exfoliation, acids got this aspect covered. Flaunt fresh-looking skin with the help of acids as they strip the dead skin cells allowing the new skin cells to come up to the surface. If you constantly complain of clogged pores or suffer from other skin blemishes, the right acid-based skincare product (oil-soluble or not) can solve that problem one wash at a time whether just on the surface or work even deeper. Even those with sensitive skin don’t have to fret since they can choose products with lower acid concentration so they still benefit from the acid without necessarily burning their skin.

Dry skin

Hyaluronic acid will transform you. In its purest form, it can hold 1000 times its own weight in water, so when applied to your face, the moisture stays in all day long! Think of it as a sponge holding onto water – you can’t get much more hydrated than that! For best results, gently exfoliate your skin before applying the product. It’ll absorb more quickly into the skin if it doesn’t have to battle through dead skincells first.

Dull skin

Citric acid is great for brightening your face – but don’t go rubbing lemons or grapefruits all over. Small concentrations of it can be found in most facial cleansers, helping to remove dead skincells and clear those pesky pores.


Your skin deserves all the love and attention it needs. And since we all are unique, one thing may work for you but not on me, so always take that into consideration before trying any product especially if you have sensitive skin. The gentlest product is here. And like with acids, don’t let the term itself scare you away especially if you have skin problems that are proving to be such a hassle in your life. You can choose from any product from creams to serums to cleansers that are acidic in nature. You can achieve that clear and bright skin as long as you use the ones with the right dosage that way your skin complexion improves without giving you that dry and haggard look some people get when they used acids wrongly on their skin.

Diabetes Can Make You Look Ugly

Many times we obsess over our looks since it is the first thing people see when they meet you. It makes sense to invest in luxurious skincare products (if you can afford to buy one) in order to achieve that fresh and flawless complexion that is the envy of many. Unfortunately, we often only focus on the outside and fail to realize that whatever shows on your skin is affected by your overall health. Some imperfections that annoy you may actually be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that may bring about more problems in the future that will also reflect on your appearance. One of these conditions is Diabetes Mellitus or simply known as Diabetes.

People with Diabetes manifest various symptoms that affect the entire body and your skin is one organ that easily shows the nasty signs of this condition. It is common to experience itching of the skin, suffer from common skin infections and even develop skin tags when your glucose levels soar higher than normal. Wounds also tend to heal slowly and can even lead to gangrenes and amputations in severe cases. So you see, you should not just ignore Diabetes because your skin will likely suffer first if you are not able to regulate your blood sugar levels properly.

Dry, itchy skin

A common complaint for many with diabetes is dry, itchy skin. High blood glucose levels can cause this as the body will attempt to rid itself of excess sugar circulating in the bloodstream by causing excessive urination. If someone with the disease is not properly hydrated, this can result in the skin becoming flaky, dry and itchy. Poor blood glucose control can also lead to poor circulation in the extremities of the legs and feet leading to dry skin with itchiness. Maintaining adequate fluid intake and using moisturizing creams throughout the day and after taking a shower or bath can help reduce dryness and itchiness.

  1. Skin tags

Many people have skin tags – skin growths that hang from the skin that occur most often on the neck, eyelids, and armpits. While skin tags are harmless, they are strongly associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes indicating high insulin levels in the blood. Generally skin tags can be removed by a dermatologist.


Understand that diabetes is a chronic condition. You learn to live with it. It won’t just go away on its own or even with treatment. Most treatments are palliative in nature and are meant to help patients cope with it so they can live quality lives even if their blood glucose levels are constantly unstable. If you don’t want your looks to suffer in case you are unfortunate enough to have it, make sure you are aware of your condition and what measures you need to do to prevent it from unnecessarily spiking.

  1. Eruptive XanthomatosisEruptive xanthomatosis is caused by lack of control of the blood glucose levels and when triglycerides are at really high levels in the blood. It manifests on the skin as firm, yellow, pea-like bumps. These bumps can be itchy and appear on the back of hands, the feet, arms, legs and buttocks. Using lipid-lowering drugs can be helpful.6. Diabetic DermopathyAnother skin condition caused by the change in blood vessels is diabetic dermopathy. This condition appears as light brown, scaly patches on the skin. The patches can be oval or circular and can often be mistaken for age spots. The patches are not itchy, do not hurt and do not open up. They occur mostly on the front of the legs although each leg is affected to a different degree. This condition is not harmful and does not require treatment.


Diabetes won’t just leave you with dry and itchy skin but even more nasty skin conditions you’ve barely heard of like Eruptive Xanthomatosis and Diabetic Dermopathy. Protect your vanity and sanity by keeping your blood sugar in check rather than suffer from more complications that aren’t just skin deep. By doing so, you likewise preserve your health and improve your quality of life. You won’t know how difficult life with Diabetes is unless you have one or know someone with the condition and see their struggle on a daily basis but know that this disorder is preventable by living a healthy life and limit your intake of sweets lest you suffer from the wrath of insulin imbalance that characterizes this condition.

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