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Common Skincare Mistakes You Are Making

Not all are obsessed with their skin but we can’t deny that a big number of people really invest on expensive skin treatments and luxurious skin care products to help them achieve a fresh and youthful looking appearance despite their age. You can’t blame them, though, since many people will immediately pass judgments on you based on your appearance. If you truly want to make a lasting positive impression on someone, you should always look your best. It does not necessarily mean you have to be good-looking but at least be presentable enough that people would really want to be with you too. It all starts with your skin, which covers the entire length of your body.

As we age, it is normal for our skin to look aged and lose its elasticity because our body naturally degenerates. That’s a fact of life. However, there are ways you can do to delay the signs of aging, allowing you to age rather gracefully. If you can’t afford pricey skin treatments and products, you can help your skin stays young-looking for as long as possible just by yourself by simply avoiding common skincare mistakes we are all guilty of doing from time to time. Staying hydrated is something we can all do that can go a long way when it comes to our appearance and health. If you don’t want to sport dry skin, drink plenty of water and you’ll soon notice you not only look healthier but fresher too. The same also applies to moisturizing skin products such as lotions and creams that will keep your skin hydrated despite the high heat outside.

Luckily, you don’t need years of on-the-job training to stop some of the most common skin issues dead in their tracks. We checked in with the folks who spend their days studying pores to find out how some of the most common skin care issues originate, and how to prevent them in the first place.


Sure, drinking more water will certainly help dehydrated skin, but it’s not enough on its own. That’s because parched skin can be the result of a range of habits.

“Dehydration in the form of dull, lackluster skin is immediately apparent and can be caused by poor diet, (lack of) sleep, excess alcohol and sun damage,”


Your diet also plays a major role in the condition of your skin. You may be prone to acne because you love eating sweet treats or foods high in carbohydrates. Dietary products are likewise culprits to those frequents bouts of acne you may have. Unlike skin growths that often appear out of nowhere, you mostly always have an inkling why there are suddenly zits appearing on your face. To avoid this, just make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet that has everything your body will ever need without causing unnecessary breakouts that can leave you anxious and depressed.

Exfoliating excessively

Exfoliation is great for getting rid of dead skin cells, but then doing it excessively prevents skin from retaining water. This makes the skin look dry and develops wrinkles.


The habit of smoking has the most disadvantages. Along with putting our hearts and lungs at risk, it also leads to skin ageing. The heat from the cigarette burns our skin, changes the elastic fibers of the skin and reduces the moisture from our skin.

Avoiding sunscreen

The major reason for ageing of skin are the sun rays. Most of ageing happens due to sun rays that penetrate the skin and alter its elastic structures. Therefore, you should never avoid sunscreens before going out in the sun.


Most vices also lead to faster skin aging. More often than not, it is not the things you don’t do for your skin but rather the things you do that leaves permanent damage to the temple that is your body. Vices like cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking contain chemicals that aren’t exactly good for your health, so you can expect for it to take its toll on your body. And one more thing you often neglect to do is to wear sunscreen. Whether the sun is up or not, you should never exclude sunscreen in your daily routine, and most especially put it during hot weather or when you are expected to stay longer hours outside. These things are quite common but we still fail to do what’s right for your skin. You’ll be surprised at how simply sleeping eight hours each night can leave you with healthy glowing skin that is naturally you.

Acne Can Seriously Lead To Depression

Who likes having pimples? Almost no one, right? Well actually, many of us despise seeing that tiny bump pop up on our face. However, you can’t avoid seeing them during times when you are stressed like during exams or presentations when you pull frequent all-nighters, or when your hormones are running wild like when women have their period or during puberty among teens. Some don’t just have a few zits, though, but have a serious case of acne that is all over their face. It has become a permanent feature on their faces making these people vulnerable to teasing and bullying because of their acne-prone skin.

We already know that having acne is not good news but it feels different to find out for real that acne can really lead to depression especially after a study has been done to establish this premise. Adjusting to acne is not easy because people often see your acne first before they can even talk to you and it sometimes affects their impression of you. Getting depressed is quite common among people with severe acne during the first five years after diagnosis as they are still trying to cope with all the hassles that their skin imperfection brings. What’s important to note here is how much of an impact a skin condition has to a person’s mental state.

If you’ve ever felt like your acne significantly impacts your mood, this one’s for you: According to a new study in the British Journal of Dermatology, there’s a scientific link between acne and depression.

According to The New York Times, researchers in Britain followed a group of 134,427 men and women with acne and 1,731,608 without acne — for 15 years. The study found that the likelihood of subjects with acne experiencing depression was 18.5%, while for those without it was 12%. Furthermore, that likelihood was shown to be highest in the first year, when there was a 63% increased chance of depression in subjects with acne.


If you can help it, try to hold back in teasing people with acne issues because you may never know they are already feeling sorry for themselves about the way they look. If you know anyone who suddenly just developed acne and this condition has persisted for quite some time with no signs of going away even if they are already receiving dermatologic treatments, make sure to also ask them how they feel because they are probably feeling bad about the entire thing that they may not even know for themselves that they are already suffering from depression.

In an analysis of one of the largest electronic medical records databases in the world, researchers found that patients with acne had a significantly increased risk of developing major depression, but only in the first 5 years after being diagnosed with acne.

The British Journal of Dermatology analysis included data from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) (1986-2012), a large primary care database in the United Kingdom.

The investigators found that the risk for major depression was highest within 1 year of acne diagnosis — a 63% higher risk compared with individuals without acne — and decreased thereafter.


Even if other may just brush off acne as a superficial problem, this study just proved that acne is more than just skin deep. Its effects can shake a person’s entire being enough to make them feel helpless and hopeless. Teens are often affected by it and some adults, so try to be nicer to them the next time you see them around. After all, you can never really tell that they are suffering from an inner burden that caused them to succumb to depression because if you know one thing about people with really bad acne, you’ll realize that their acne often persists no matter how many treatments they try because it can also be genetic. Don’t let a bad bout of acne get the best of you. Get treated for depression if you feel that you can no longer manage the negative impact of acne on your life because no matter how difficult it is to believe right now, this too shall pass.

Is Your Phone Making Your Skin Look Older?

Modern life means the use of more technology in our daily lives. The widespread impact of the Internet of Things has made it easier for everyone to connect to the web and incorporate much of their daily routine online. Internet access is also widely accessible and cheaper too, so more people can go online now and the need to connect to the web is now even considered a necessity today and no longer the luxury that it once was. Smart technology plays a big part here and we can do more things with our smartphones today without even having to go far or spend a lot of money. As much as we enjoy the perks of modern living, it has its downsides too and it has to do with constantly exposing our skin to tech devices.

Your skin not only suffers from the harsh rays of the sun because you can experience the same effect even indoors. Constant exposure to the blue light emitted by your smartphone is also detrimental to your skin. The tech gadgets you use also plays a role in the way your skin looks. Blue light, for instance, speeds up aging, so don’t be surprised if you look older now that you’ve been glued to your smartphone or tablet all day and night long. Most people, young or old, are guilty of this. Our phones are usually the first thing we look for upon waking up in the morning and the last thing we tinker with before we drift off to sleep at night.

High Energy Visible Light (to give it its proper name) is a natural part of sunlight but it’s also found in this technological blue light. Visible light, unlike ultraviolet lights like UVA and UVB – which we already know causes skin damage – is light that can be seen by the human eye. While there’s no evidence yet that it causes skin cancer is quite the same way, there have been studies that have found that blue light produces more hyper-pigmentation than UVB.


Imagine all those hours you have made your skin to endure unnecessary blue light exposure because you can’t seem to put your phone down because of your obsession with social media. The effect of excessive blue light exposure is similar to the effects of being exposed to the harsh sunlight without sunscreen protection. You may eventually look cool in your circle of friends as you can use various filters to make you look good on photos but they’ll be surprised to see you in real life and you look way older in person because you’ve been making your skin suffer on a daily basis.

Research has shown that overexposure to blue light can, indeed, accelerate signs of aging, worsening the wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation we’ve come to associate with too much sun. As dermatologist Howard Murad explains, “Excessive blue light accelerates the oxidation process, which elicits inflammation and damages the skin barrier, making it more prone to signs of aging, increased uneven skin tone, dullness, pigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles.”


Your skin deserves more care and attention than you currently give it. It is such a waste of money to indulge in space, expensive derma treatments, or fancy skincare products that promise eternal youth if you yourself are the one sabotaging your skincare efforts. It should be common knowledge by now about the blue light emitted by smart devices and its dangers. Since technology is already so widespread, why not make even better use of it by searching up ways on how you can protect yourself (especially your skin) on the dangers of blue light or how you can make your aging skin look younger and healthier using natural remedies. That way, you can still enjoy the many perks of technology without sacrificing your superficial beauty.

Olive Oil: Your Skin’s New Best Friend

When it comes to beauty and skincare, we love to experiment with a lot of things especially when it comes to natural remedies. Your skin is the first thing people see and it also serves a crucial function in protecting your body from diseases, so you should not hold back in pampering it and giving it the loving and attention it needs. You can only either go all out or go natural when caring for your skin. Remember that whatever you apply on your skin is absorbed by your body, so you got to be careful in choosing the types of products you use. As much as possible, use natural ingredients because they are safer to use. More often than not, you can already see them in your pantry and kitchen helping you save a lot of cash rather than splurging on expensive skin care regimens.

This kitchen staple is one remedy that can also be found in your kitchen: olive oil. The use of olive oil in enhancing your appearance is actually an ancient practice that even Cleopatra herself swears by it in her heydays. This luxurious oil is rich in anti-oxidant that fends of free radicals and is also hydrating too, so you’re left with soft and moisturized skin just like that of a baby. Other ingredients found in it is vitamin E that keeps the skin healthy even that of your nails. Aside from pampering your skin, you can also use it as a remedy because if you don’t know it yet by now, olive oil can help soothe dry, itchy, or inflamed skin, so you are both relieved of the pain and discomfort and left with healthy, smooth skin after.

Improving acne

One of the daily habits of people who never get acne is following a Mediterranean diet that includes olive oil. Actress Chloe Grace Moretz credits olive oil with getting rid of her acne. “I wash my face with olive oil,” she told Allure. “I swear my skin is so much clearer because of it.” In the same way olive oil can remove oil-based makeup (more on that later), it can help remove the oil from your skin. Plus, some studies have shown olive oil has antibacterial properties, which can help clear up skin infections that can lead to breakouts.


Olive oil also works great as an exfoliator that you can use to get rid of cracked heels, even that of chapped lips. It is also multifunctional as you can use it to remove makeup if you don’t have a makeup remover on hand or even double as a shaving cream and leave you with real soft legs sans the annoying hair. People also rave about its anti-aging properties mainly because of the antioxidants and polyphenols it contains, making olive oil an all-around skincare remedy that you can afford but still deliver the results you are looking for.

Scrub and exfoliator

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing skincare to better absorb into skin. And to make your exfoliation routine extra effective, simply add a few drops of olive oil to your usual scrub for a soothing and moisturising boost. Or to make an all-natural scrub, simply mix a half cup of brown sugar, a half cup of olive oil and a few drops of your favourite essential oil together in a bowl.


Olive oil not only moisturizes and fights off bacteria especially the ones responsible for the unwelcome zits on your face but it also boasts of anti-cancer properties as well. You can use it plain or added with other similar natural ingredients like lemon and sugar for exfoliation but you can also purchase commercial skincare products infused with olive oil especially if you can’t tolerate the extremely sticky feeling (of course, it is an oil). If you can find one, choose extra virgin than the regular types of olive oil and never forget that olive oil is a heavy oil and you either need to rinse it properly or wipe it off completely to let your skin breathe and ensure all your pores are open.

Tips For Flawless Skin

We were all born with fresh and flawless skin but it degenerates over time. The normal process of aging, the stress of daily life, and pollution, among others, are constant threats to your skin’s integrity. You can’t help it but sooner or later, those wrinkles and fine lines will start to appear and those crow’s feet that shows up when you laugh may mean years of happy memories but definitely not a great sight to see especially when you look at your face in the mirror. Nowadays, even women in their twenties already invest in skin care including anti-aging products. The environment is no longer friendly to the skin and you need all the help you can get to stay as youthful-looking for as long as possible.

When it comes to skincare, you don’t necessarily have to buy all those expensive creams and serums when simple skincare tips can go a long way in saving your wallet without compromising your skin health that people of all age and sizes (and race) can do without any sweat at all. Even using the best skin care products is no assurance you can get the results that you want if you have poor skincare practices. Just simply removing your makeup at the end of the day is a good practice since you remove any irritating chemicals from seeping deeper into your skin that may ultimately lead to breakouts when you wake up in the morning.

Never sleep with makeup on!

Weather you have heard this before or not, but sleeping with makeup is the biggest no-no in the quest for healthy skin. Why? Because it can have very damaging effects. There’s an oil build up overnight which leads to clogged pores and it goes downhill from there. That is; pimples, darkened skin, wrinkles, dull skin etc. Save yourself the trouble and make efforts to always wash off your face before sleeping at night or use a cleanser at best!

Water is the skin’s best friend

Weather you drink loads of it, splash it on your skin, or even swim in it water is and will always remain a great hydrant which cleans the system with and without. When you drink several tall glasses a day, it is not just for great skin but also for better bowel movement which in the end; improves the appearance of the skin. 


Aside from religiously removing your makeup, drinking at least 8 glasses of water will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, thereby saving you from the woes of dry skin. You can’t stop the years from adding up and you won’t stay young forever. It’s a fact of life but there is something you can do about aging gracefully, right? It may not exactly be the flawless skin you are dreaming of but something (hopefully) close to that. Drinking lots of water help a lot as it keeps your skin hydrated and keep you healthy too.

Moisturise your skin: Keeping your skin hydrated at all times is one of the most important beauty tips for avoiding lines and wrinkles. Oil-free moisturisers are great for both oily and dry skin types. 

Don’t forget sunscreen: Applying sunscreen is an essential skincare routine to avoid damage. Use only SPF protected creams and make-up products, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight when plausible.

Exfoliate!: Exfoliation is essential to purge your skin of all the dead cells and blackheads once or twice a week. You can book salon services at home to get this treatment done by experts.

Antioxidants are awesome: Protect your skin from the harmful effects of pollution and UV rays with antioxidants. You must munch on berries, spinach, and broccoli, have lots of freshwater fishes, and drink green tea.  


We aspire to have flawless skin because we are envious of beautiful women posting their picture-perfect snaps and aspire to be one too but remember that we are all unique and that there is no such thing as perfection. Your skin may not look like it’s straight from a magazine but what’s important is that it should be healthy. A healthy body will reflect on the outside, so do not neglect your health. Nutrition is crucial to having great skin. All the other tips fail in comparison if you are neglecting your health but they do help you achieve the best version your skin can ever be if you live healthily and follow vital skincare tips that will help you defy gravity and slow down skin aging for as long as possible.

The Age Of Electronic Skin

There are a lot of innovations that may no longer shock you right now. Given the tech advancements that we are now enjoying, it is no longer surprising to see people come up with really cool discoveries that can improve our lives one way or the other. As the days and years pass by, we are seeing more innovations that continue to mimic human life and the electronic skin is just one of those things that proves a lot of things are possible with the right technology on hand. Artificial intelligence is already here, although not as widespread as our ancestors have predicted, but if you look at computer and smartphone assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, you’ll realize AI is our present and future.

One of AI’s main goals is to enhance robotics. In order to do so, advances like the electronic will give us with more realistically-looking robots like the ones we see in movies. They don’t have to look bulky and awkward but rather natural and easy on the eye. The e-skin is a recyclable adhesive and is capable of doing a lot of things like what a real skin does. It can detect the temperature, air flow, and even air humidity. Robots with the e-skin can experience sensations that an average human feels making human and robot interaction more genuine in the future.

Technology that mimics the functions and sensations of human skin may sound futuristic, but it isn’t exactly new. In 2010, scientists at Stanford University and at University of California, Berkeley, developed artificial skin that could feel even a gentle touch. Dubbed e-skin, the device holds great potential to help future robots more delicately interact with humans. 

But now, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are giving e-skin an environmentally friendly upgrade. As Adam Epstein writes for Quartz, the latest iteration of the device can re-heal itself and be recycled to make new layers of skin.


What’s even more amazing is that this e-skin can regenerate itself similar to that of a real skin that grows new layers after several days or so. While it greatly mimics a real human skin, it is not vulnerable to common human issues like skin conditions such as skin tags and other skin growths that all humans have to deal with at one point or another. Some may even think that robots have it better than humans as they can enjoy the perks that the skin can offer minus the discomforts and frustrations of various skin flaws we often complain about.

Electronic skins might not only detect health troubles in the near future, but display them for the world to see. University of Tokyo researchers have developed an e-skin that can measure vital signs like your heartbeat and display them in real time on a skin display. The design blends a breathable nanomesh electrode and stretchable wiring with an array of micro LEDs that can output basic images bending with your body. Others know right away if you need help — they’d just have to look at your hand (or anywhere else the sensor works) to get an idea of what’s wrong. The sensor can pair with a smartphone and transmit its info to the cloud, too.

There have been stretchable displays before, but they typically fall apart quickly after exposure to air and the usual stretching and twisting of your skin. The sensor itself lasts for about a week without inflammation, too, and was built using conventional circuit board manufacturing techniques that should keep the cost down.


The e-skin also proves to be such a blessing in the medical field as its ability to detect cardinal signs like your heartbeat that they can easily view through a skin display. It is not rocket science but it can come in handy in many instances especially now that technology is widely used and almost all aspects of human lives are affected. It is extremely helpful in emergency cases where others can already see this vital information just by glancing at your hand. And with smart technology and the Internet of Things, you can share and save these data even up in the cloud to help healthcare providers understand your overall health with ease. E-skin today who knows what new discovery we’ll hear about in the future but definitely there are bigger things in store for us if we put technology to good use.

Use More than Your Eyes To Find Skin Cancer

sunshineThere are several options when it comes to diagnosing skin cancer. As one of the leading cancers in the world it’s no wonder that people are starting to pay attention to what is on their bodies. We’ve long been told by our parents and grandparents that just paying attention to unusual moles and changes on our skin is enough. While these may be good warning signs, they are not enough to give a firm diagnosis of skin cancer. There is a reason why medical tests and screening procedures have been invented and tested:

Findings of the US Preventive Services Task Force suggest that skin-cancer checks by dermatologists may not be worth the trouble for healthy Americans, because the practice lacks solid research evidence, the LA Times reports.

The assessment results of the task force, which evaluates the value of medical screening tests, is not an objection to the practice recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology, in which doctors inspect a patient’s skin for moles, discoloration, thickening or skin tags that might be cancerous.

But the results do say that there are not enough documented studied to establish that the said practice might save lives without putting patients at risk. The finding could also encourage health insurance companies not to cover skin-cancer screenings for people who don’t have a history of the disease.

Every year, there are 5.4 new, diagnosed cases of basal and squamous cell carcinomas. While rarely fatal, they can cause disfiguration and may metastasize to other parts of the body if not treated. The deadliest form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, occurs in over 76,000 new patients annually, and has a mortality rate of 10,000 a year in the US. Skin cancer is growing faster than any other kind of preventable cancer.

Therefore, these new findings prompted concern among medical professionals. The American Academy of Dermatologists released  statement saying it was disappointed in the task force’s results.

They said, “Dermatologists know that skin cancer screenings can save lives.”

The Academy added that since the launch of a skin cancer screening initiative 30 years ago, called SPOTme, dermatologists have conducted over 2.5 million screenings, during which over 255,000 suspected nonmalignant cancers and 28,500 melanomas have been found.

“We know that screenings, which are noninvasive, quick and painless, are the best tool possible to detect skin cancer early when it is most treatable,” the statement said. However, the Academy does admit that there is a need for additional research on skin cancer screening.


As scary as cancer sounds, and it should be terrifying, if you are proactive and visit your medical or health care professional on a regular basis you will have more tools in your belt to combat this disease. With summer and the joy of sunshine and tanning, screening yourself for skin cancer and being smart about your sun worshipping is the best favour you can do for yourself. While you can still use the visual test to be aware of what is on your body and how it looks, relying on that alone is where the problem comes in.

If you are concerned about anything, talk to your doctor. Make an appointment, relay your fears and maybe a screening is what’s in the cards for you.

Who knows. It just might save your life.

Don’t Just Cover Up: Use These Tips to Battle Red, Itchy Skin

psoriasisThe thing about skin is that everyone can see it. Your skin not only keeps all your organs and lovely blood vessels in your body it also provides protection from the elements. There are times when our skin goes out of control though. There are many people that suffer from skin conditions like skin tags, acne, dry skin and more. One of the more chronic, and sometimes embarrassing, skin conditions is psoriasis.

Psoriasis is caused when your immune system overreacts and causes your skin to inflame and skin cells to multiply in abundance. Not only is the flaky, red skin kind of embarrassing, it can be very painful as well:

These patches normally appear on elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, but can appear anywhere on the body. Most people are only affected with small patches but the skin can become itchy or sore.

NHS Choices said psoriasis affects around 2 per cent of people in the UK. It can start at any age, but most often develops in adults under 35 years old.

The condition occurs due to an over-reaction of the immune system, which causes inflammation and rapid growth of skin cells.

Skin cells are normally made and replaced every three to four weeks, but in psoriasis this process only lasts about three to seven days. The resulting build-up of skin cells is what creates the patches associated with psoriasis.

Experts have recommended five way to beat the painful skin condition.

Essential vitamins

Vitamin D, which people can get from the sun, is it vital for bone health as well as obesity and diabetes, but it can also help with psoriasis.

“Vitamin D can change the way cells grow,” said Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at

“As those who suffer from Psoriasis tend to produce more skin cells, it can slow this process down and cause the plaques to become less scaly and thinner.



Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation and Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish oil can be very helpful in reducing it – according to experts.

However, not all fatty acids are the same –  Omega 6, which is present in vegetable oils – might actually increase inflammation.

“Unfortunately, many people have much higher levels of omega 6 than omega 3 in their body, often due to the use of vegetable oils in cooking and the lack of oily fish consumption,” said  Dr Marilyn Glenville, nutritionist and author of Natural Alternatives of Sugar.


Most sufferers tend to opt for covering up because the condition can be so chronic they’re at a loss at how to treat it. If you’ve read the article above you’ll see how much an altered diet can really have an impact on psoriasis.

Dealing with stress in a healthy way is also really important. The more we stress out and try to keep it all inside the more our bodies will react to it in a negative fashion.

Managing your psoriasis can be done! It just takes some planning and a little TLC.

What is a Skin Tag?

confusedThroughout the years your skin will undergo a series of transformations. As a baby it is generally smooth, smells great and tends to be a bit sensitive. As a child there are the skinned knees and scraped elbows that prove your adventures to your friends. In adolescence you start seeing blemishes: and lots of them. These tend to dissipate as you get older but there are some people that will fight acne all their lives.

Lots of people will also find skin tags growing somewhere on their body at any given stage of life. These things are generally harmless, but what are they exactly?

Skin tags are practically harmless cutaneous growths on the skin that are predominantly composed of loose collagen fibers and blood vessels in the epidermis. They are known medically as acrochorda, fibroepithelial polyps, papillomas or soft fibromas and are typically flesh-colored or in some cases darkly pigmented.

Being benign in nature, skin tags usually do not undergo any transformations in terms of size, shape or color over time and are generally painless unless they are irritated by an external factor such as shaving or another skin pathology such as eczema. Thus, papillomas do not usually have the propensity to give rise to cancer, even if left untreated. Reports of malignant transformation are extremely rare.

Fibroepithelial polyps range in size from 1 mm to 5 cm, the latter being just smaller than the diameter of a tennis ball. Most papillomas are found primarily in the skin folds, in areas such as the neck, armpits, under the breasts, under-folds in the abdomen, buttocks and groin, while others may occur on the face, particularly on the eyelids. Some dermatological conditions that may resemble skin tags include but are not limited to moles, warts and cysts.

Predisposing factors and causes of papillomas

Acrochorda are quite common in the general population. It is estimated that at least 2 in 4 people will at some point in their lives develop these cutaneous lesions. They are not congenital (i.e. not present at birth) and while toddlers and young children may develop skin tags, particularly on the neck and underarms, the lesions are acquired mostly during adulthood, with an increased incidence in the middle age.

Skin tags are more frequently found in obese or overweight people. They are believed to be as a result of increased friction, which is created when the skin repeatedly rubs against itself, which explains the predominance of the lesions in skin folds. Papillomas are also known to increase in pregnant women owing to the elevation of hormones throughout gestation, especially during the second trimester.


While skin tags are anything but attractive, they’re harmless. Since they enjoy growing in the folds of your skin it can be easy to keep them hidden. That doesn’t mean you have to love them and removing skin tags can be very simple. There are several creams and salves you can use to remove skin tags as well as other ways to remove them yourself.

Now that you know what that thing is that’s growing on your neck you can find ways to combat their appearance. While skin tags may grow back after you remove them, once you’ve done it you’ll see that it’s actually very simple and doesn’t require visiting a doctor. You should visit a doctor if the skin tag is abnormally large, has changed shape or colour and if the skin tag is in a sensitive place, like around your eyes.

Doesn’t it feel better to be educated and confident in your knowledge? Thought so!

Will Boosting Your Immune System Save Your Skin?

healthyThere are lots of people who fear getting older. As we age, we can’t move as fast, we can’t eat as much and we can’t do as much. Our hair grays and our skin begins to sag. There are plenty of people that will spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on creams and botox to keep themselves looking like they’re twenty-five forever. It’s no secret that our bodies will age and it’s all in your perspective. While there are plenty of people who are happy with the way they look as they get older, there’s not denying that age can bring about unsightly skin conditions as our elasticity breaks down and our cells slow.

Instead of injecting your skin with chemicals to keep the wrinkles at bay, scientists have discovered new therapies wherein boosting the immune system helps stave off various skin issues:

Israeli scientists have developed a new therapy that activates the body’s natural defenses against disease-causing free radicals — an advance that could control a variety of skin conditions and disorders, including wrinkles and sun damage.

Researchers at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem said the nanotechnology-based system can combat or reverse the effects of various pollutants, UV rays, radiation and other stressors that cause skin problems by creating molecules that damage and destroy cells, including lipids, proteins, and DNA.
That damage can lead to various skin conditions, including inflammatory diseases, pigmenting disorders, wrinkles and some types of skin cancer, and can also affect internal organs.

In a review article published in the journal Cosmetics, Hebrew University researcher Maya Ben-Yehuda Greenwald revealed that researchers devised an innovative way to invigorate the body to produce antioxidant enzymes that combat that process by boosting the body’s natural defenses.

“The approach of using the body’s own defense system is very effective. We showed that activation of the body’s defense system with the aid of a unique delivery system is feasible, and may leverage dermal cure,” said Ben-Yehuda Greenwald.

The research showed that applying nano-size droplets of microemulsion liquids to the skin activates the natural skin defense systems.


This therapy could change how people manage various skin conditions. It’s more natural than using other chemicals or washing yourself in a sea of creams. It also stimulates your body’s natural defense system. It would be like if you put your home alarm on super sonic and it prevented even dust from getting inside. It seems a little sci-fi at the moment  but that’s just because it’s something new that is still being tested. The thought that this sort of therapy could be common place is pretty exciting.

While your skin will regrow to repair itself in the event of injuries you still only get one skin. It can’t handle large abrasions or injuries on it’s own. It’s our job to keep our skin as healthy as possible and to treat it right. Not everyone gets to be eighty years old with laugh lines and saggy cheeks. It’s a privilege that sometimes we take for granted. Treat your skin right and it will repay you.

Could you really ask for more?

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